The week has finally arrived!
The TCEA Annual Convention and Exposition brings together campus and district-level educators to explore best practices for engaging students, increasing productivity, and innovating teaching and learning through the use of technology.
5 days
900+ sessions
10 Academies
450 Exhibits
This year, the theme is . . . Connected . . . love it! The power of being connected has opened up so many doors. I've been able to reach beyond the walls of my school and connect with many wonderful educators that are willing to share ideas.
I'm attend the conference in a different capacity. As the Area 20 Director, I get to "work" . . . so not work . . . whole lotta fun! I get to hang out with Chance at the TCEA membership booth! Connecting! Chatting! and handing out T-shirts for those that complete the TCEA challenge!
Follow me on Twitter @cdolat or Instagram - fabulousfifthgradefun (long story about that handle...) to check out all the cool things happening at TCEA!
Or . . . listen to the TCEA Radio!