Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Speed Share #3

Our third speed share (See speed share #1 & #2) was Voki! This is such an engaging tool to use in your classroom! It has been around for some time, but I really think it is underutilized!

Click on Tom Turkey for a Message!

It cracks me up that the character will track the mouse movement with it's eyes!

You will need to set up an account. I didn't do the education option. A teacher set up a free account for class . . . easy access for her students. Generic account and password.

It's really pretty simple!
First, pick your character!

Then, pick a background!

Love the fact that you can either record your message or type it!
Pick a voice!

How are teachers using it? A hook for introducing a unit, student presentations, students read their original poem, introduce key vocabulary, practice language development...

Say it in 1 minute! That is the amount of time for recording. I love this aspect. I think it creates the practice of reading with fluency!

Other features:

  • Free
  • Post your Voki to any blog, website, or profile
  • Lesson plans available
  • Voki in the Classroom”: $29.95/yr or $44.95/2 yrs; 15 day free trial
  • Share by either sharing the link or embed onto a website

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gobble till you Wobble!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Blendspace! Speed Share #2

This Tech Speed Sharing is so much fun!
Speed Share #2 . . .

Create digital content in 5 minutes! Say, what?!!!
Oh, but is true!
I literally pulled this together in 5 minutes.

  • Free - currently
  • Requires a login
  • Any browser
What does Blendspace do?
Organize content, asses and track!

How are teachers using it?
Flipped classroom, lesson planning, student research, inquiry based learning, project based learning...

Give it a try! Click on the graphic!
The graphic organizers used are for independent work.

So easy! Drag and drop a wide variety of resources to create "one stop shopping" for  lessons!
YouTube, Google, Flickr, Educreations, Gooru, insert a webpage, files, Dropbox, and Google Drive!
Not only that, create your own quiz! Say, what?!!! Yes, your own quiz that can be tracked.

Here it is! You can give your students the quiz by giving them the class code.

Last, but not least, please go vote that you want Blendspace to be free for education!
If you go to the Help link you can vote to keep it free!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Movenote and Thankful!

I am so thankful for my new team! The other 3 Instructional Technology Specialists and I have been  designing some professional development for our campuses. Last Friday we tried it out on my campus.
Yes, the Friday before the Thanksgiving break! That is how awesome my school is... they let us invade their conference time for some fun sharing, some yummy snacks, and a free "Jean Day" coupon!

So, what was the professional development?
Take speed dating and blend it with technology ... ok . . . minus the dating, just tech speed sharing. We offered 4 choices and let the teachers pick 2... shared for 7 minutes, rotated to second option, then shared out!

The next few days I'm going to share the programs/apps we shared.

Speed Share #1 -  Movenote! it!

In a nutshell - Presentation software that allows you to drag and drop a pdf, image, slide presentation (Powerpoint), or doc into the application and then video/audio record with the presentation. Click through your slides as you narrarate.
  • Free!
  • Chrome Extension or website
  • Interfaces with Google Applications for Education 
  • Any device . . . any platform!
How are teachers using it?
Flipped classroom, differentiated instruction, presentations, center activities, or creating lessons for subs to show.

This is soooo quick and easy! Pull in your Powerpoint and then record. Once you are finished recording, you will get a URL to post or embed in a web page.

I created a cause and effect Powerpoint that was a partner activity with a mentor text.

Give it a try! You will love it and so will your students!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November ~ Currently

Beautiful day for a Currently with Farley!

Listening: My sleepyhead daughter has not emerged from her room , so it's quiet in the breeze....birds chirping and yummy Dunkin' Donuts blueberry muffin coffee brewing! 

Loving: This past week, while trying at times, was a ton of fun! I got to help out in several classes. Precious little second graders practiced their adorable Halloween/Fall poems for fluency. Then, we recorded them using! With the! link we turned it into a QR Code. Precious little faces as they scanned their QR code and heard their own voice. Here is my post on! and QR Codes.

Thinking: Really?!!!!  Went to dinner with some friends last night. 

Wanting: Ugggg! I'm not a candy kind of person, but Tootsie Rolls are my weakness! They must go! That and all the Halloween decorations to magically be put away.

Needing: Gotta get started on my speech! I've been asked by our local university to speak at their Teacher Induction ceremony. 250 student teachers plus their family and friends. I would love to hear some of your words of wisdom for these new teachers!

Yummy pin!
Carmel Apple Dip! 
This is my "go-to" dish when I need something quick and yummy! It is super easy and a crowd pleaser.
Only 4 ingredients! If you click on the picture it will take you to the directions. These include powdered sugar. I've never used powered sugar. Just leave the cream cheese out for a bit and then spread it on a large plate!

While I was searching for the recipe and a picture . . . I found these! Same recipe, but in a jar! How cute are these?! I think I'm going to send these to my daughter's teachers! A little "happy" for the start of November and a new nine weeks! (Click on the picture and it will take you to the blog post.)

Head over to Farley's for some more Currently action! There are some really great yummy pin ideas! 
Perfect timing with the holidays approaching.
Have a beautiful day!