Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Speed Share #3

Our third speed share (See speed share #1 & #2) was Voki! This is such an engaging tool to use in your classroom! It has been around for some time, but I really think it is underutilized!

Click on Tom Turkey for a Message!

It cracks me up that the character will track the mouse movement with it's eyes!

You will need to set up an account. I didn't do the education option. A teacher set up a free account for class . . . easy access for her students. Generic account and password.

It's really pretty simple!
First, pick your character!

Then, pick a background!

Love the fact that you can either record your message or type it!
Pick a voice!

How are teachers using it? A hook for introducing a unit, student presentations, students read their original poem, introduce key vocabulary, practice language development...

Say it in 1 minute! That is the amount of time for recording. I love this aspect. I think it creates the practice of reading with fluency!

Other features:

  • Free
  • Post your Voki to any blog, website, or profile
  • Lesson plans available
  • Voki in the Classroom”: $29.95/yr or $44.95/2 yrs; 15 day free trial
  • Share by either sharing the link or embed onto a website

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gobble till you Wobble!


  1. I have never heard of this. I love the idea of using it as a hook.

    Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth
