Last August, I wrote a blog post titled . . . Incorporate Emojis to Encourage Writing
Using, Emoji Translate and Pic Collage, students can create some fun writing pieces. I also posted a few videos that are done using emojis! Super cute! Check out the post!
While attending one of Cori Coburn-Shiflett tech sessions, she asked us to stop and write a reflection about what we had just learned. Using TodaysMeet, we posted a reflection using just emojis! Such a simple idea and tons of fun.
So . . . today . . . go forth and follow the hashtag #WorldEmojiDay to see how the rest of the world is celebrating the emoji!
Today, in our house, we celebrate with emoji cups, plates, and napkins . . . making dinner just that much cheerier!
Click on the image to learn more about those cute little characters!