I found this fun interactive site that takes you through a story where you must draw the next event. First, they must create their own stickman or woman.
As the story progresses, you'll notice letters begin to appear. Ahhh...what will they spell?
At the end of story...here's the great part...it allows you to customize your own message. Now, it is a very limited message as in 16 characters per line...2 lines.
So, here's what I'm thinking. What if you created four or five different ones with the link? Post the links so the students can access them.
Divide students into groups and have them interact with the site. After the teams watch their video, have them share the message. Discuss how these relate to room ____(insert your room #) ____ .
"Dream Big"
"Take Risks"
"Be Creative"
"Inclusion, Not exclusion"
They can share by creating a Looks Like/Sounds Like poster. Post them around the room!
Check out iLearn Technology for some more really great ways to use this site in your classroom.
Oh my gosh! That is sooo stinkin' cute! Did you also watch episode two? It's even better!
Yes! Love it too.