Shadow Puppet EDU allows the user to quickly create a photo story with narration, text, music, zoom ability and a few sparkly animations.
You can reorder the photos.
When the video is finished, there are various ways to share it. My favorite . . . a web link. Students can "turn it in" by posting the link in a teacher created Google Form. Once you have the link, you can download the movie to any device.
Here is an example of a final product. I used the pictures from our visit to Eanes ISD to create a quick Shadow Puppet movie!
I love the resources Shadow Puppet EDU has available. The storyboard is great for helping students plan out their video.
Quick Start Guide Activity Ideas Storyboard
Check out the Pinterest board on how others are using Shadow Puppet EDU in their classroom.
How about a little app smashing?
Hi Charlotte, thanks for using our app and sharing it. We've love for you to check out our new app Seesaw, which makes it easy to collect and share Shadow Puppet videos. Thanks for using our app!